Showing 13-20 of 20 Blogs
DRC Kananga
August 2020|

The Participation Dividend of Taxation in DRC and Beyond: Recent Evidence and Paths for Future Inquiry

by Jonathan Weigel & Elie Kabue Ngindu

One of the strongest arguments for investing in the tax capacity of developing countries is the…

Market with street vendors
April 2020|

Unpacking Formalisation: The need for a new research agenda on taxation and the informal economy

by Vanessa van den Boogaard & Max Gallien

ICTD Informality and Taxation blog series The ICTD’s Informality and Tax programme seeks to conduct, connect,…

Current Project

Tax Collection and Bureaucrat Accountability: Experimental Evidence from the DRC

Laura Paler, Augustin Bergeron, Gabriel Tourek & Jonathan L Wiegel
Completed Project

Direct and Network Effects of Tax Enforcement: Experimental Evidence from the D.R. Congo

Dr. Augustin Bergeron, Harvard University
March 2019|

Targets for Equity-Enhancing Tax Advocacy

by Wilson Prichard

Recent years have seen surging international interest in strengthening tax collection in order to finance national…

24 May 2018
The reality of sub-national taxation in conflict-affected states: the incidence and implications of informal taxation

Taxation is at the centre of the relationship between state and society. In conflict-affected countries, it…

Partner Publication

Survey on Total Tax Burden in the DRC

April 2015|

ICTD Supports New Project On Conflict And Taxation In Congo

The International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) is supporting two new and important projects in…