On Tuesday March 28th, the ICTD is hosting a documentary film screening with special guest John Christensen.
The film: The Price We Pay examines the timely issue of tax avoidance and exposes how tech giants like Google, Amazon and other multinationals are stashing trillions of dollars offshore and thus depriving governments of hundreds of billions in corporate-tax revenue each year. This practice is (arguably) legal — but is it fair?
Tax havens, originally created by London bankers in the 50s, today put over half the world’s stock of money beyond reach of public treasuries. Nation states are being reshaped by this offshoring of the world’s wealth. Tax avoidance by big corporations and the wealthy is paving the way to historic levels of inequality and placing the tax burden on the middle class and the poor. Assembling interviews with journalists, tax justice campaigners, finance and technology industry insiders, and leading economists and academics from around the world, award-winning director Harold Crooks blows the lid off the dirty world of corporate malfeasance.
Our special guest: John Christensen is a native of Jersey (a tax haven). Trained as an economist, he worked with Deloitte as an offshore company and trust administrator and as an economic adviser to the Jersey government before co-founding the Tax Justice Network. As a Director of the Network, he has been described by the Guardian as “the unlikely figurehead of a worldwide campaign against tax avoidance.” John will provide and introduction and lead a Q & A discussion after the film.
When: Tuesday March 28th from 5:30 – 8:00pm
Where: The Convening Space at the Institute of Development Studies on the University of Sussex campus (through the BLDS library).
Popcorn will be provided. Watch the trailer for the film here. All welcome.