Showing 61-72 of 217 Publications
Working Paper

Asymmetric Double Tax Treaties and FDI in Developing Countries: The Role of the Relief Method and Tax Sparing

Working Paper

How Might the National Revenue Authority of Sierra Leone Enhance Revenue Collection by Taxing High Net Worth Individuals?

Working Paper

An Overlooked Market: Loose Cigarettes, Informal Vendors, and Their Implications for Tobacco Taxation

Working Paper

Technology and Tax: Adoption and Impacts of E-services in Rwanda

Working Paper

An Introduction to Digital Tax Payment Systems in Low-and Middle-Income Countries

Working Paper

The Enigma of the Central–Local Government Relationship and its Impact on Property Tax Administration in Developing Countries: The Ghanaian Perspective

Working Paper

The Political Economy of South Africa’s Carbon Tax

Working Paper

Growth or Goods: Examining Tax Morale Among Property Owners in Lagos

Working Paper

ICT and Tax Administration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Adopting ITAS in Uganda and Sierra Leone

Working Paper

Unpacking ‘Tax Morale’: Distinguishing Between Conditional and Unconditional Views of Tax Compliance

Working Paper

Mobile Money Taxation and Informal Workers: Evidence from Ghana’s E-Levy

Working Paper

Visual Nudges: How Deterrence and Equity Shape Tax Compliance Attitudes and Behaviour in Rwanda