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Showing 121-132 of 239 Blogs
This Women’s Day, we need to talk about toilet taxes
March 2020|

This Women’s Day, we need to talk about toilet taxes

by Jalia Kangave

In 2018, the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) published findings from a research study…

February 2020|

Why Nigeria needs a huge tobacco tax hike to curb smoking

by Laura Rossouw

Cigarette sales in most African countries are going up all the time. But smoking rates are much lower than…

For Africa to gain a fair share from its natural resources, we must do more than tweak global tax rules
January 2020|

For Africa to gain a fair share from its natural resources, we must do more than tweak global tax rules

by Anthony Kibirige

A critical moment Next week sees a critical moment in the reform of global corporate tax…

December 2019|

Corporate Tax Negotiations at the OECD: Shifts to Ensure Symmetry and Equity

by Valpy FitzGerald & Jayati Ghosh

The negotiations on corporate taxation at the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s (OECD) BEPS Inclusive…

December 2019|

The future of global corporate taxation is more uncertain than ever

by Martin Hearson & Rasmus Corlin Christensen

The global fight over how—and where—to tax the new digital economy is raging on. Just last…

November 2019|

Developing countries’ contributions to international tax reform

by Sol Picciotto

Developing countries are making a significant contribution to the current efforts to reform international tax in…

November 2019|

If developing countries are not listened to at the OECD, they will vote with their feet

by Joy Ndubai

In response to Allison Christians’ blog providing suggestions on how the OECD’s consultation on the unified…

November 2019|

Can property tax valuation in Africa be simplified? Lessons from a pilot project in Freetown, Sierra Leone

by Wilson Prichard, Kevin Grieco, Abou Bakarr Kamara, Niccoló Meriggi, Julian Michel & Graeme Stewart-Wilson

Across sub-Saharan Africa, ineffective property valuation presents a serious hurdle to strengthening local property taxes. Between…

potential reallocation of taxing rights
November 2019|

Resource-Rich Countries and the Digital Tax Agenda

by Alexandra Readhead

Those of us involved in the mining sector could be forgiven for thinking that the OECD’s program…

November 2019|

The Inclusive Framework is considering radical proposals, but in the real world…

by Ben Dickinson

In her recent blog, Allison Christians usefully alerts us to some of the challenges and opportunities…

November 2019|

Response to Richard Bird’s Critique of “Innovations in Tax Compliance”

by Wilson Prichard

At the request of the ICTD, Professor Richard Bird generously agreed to review the new World…

November 2019|

Review of new World Bank framework “Innovations in Tax Compliance”

by Richard Bird

See here for a response to Professor Bird’s critique by the World Bank framework’s lead author…