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Showing 205-216 of 602 Publications
Working Paper

Tax and Governance in the Context of Scarce Revenues: Inefficient Tax Collection and its Implications in Rural West Africa

by Vanessa van den Boogaard & Rachel Beach
February 2022
Journal Article

Active Ghosts: Nil-filing in Rwanda

by Giulia Mascagni, Fabrizio Santoro, Denis Mukama, John Karangwa & Naphtal Hakizimana
February 2022
Journal Article

The Rise of China and Contestation in Global Tax Governance

by Martin Hearson & Rasmus Corlin Christensen
January 2022
Journal Article

The Politics of Taxing Multinational Firms in a Digital Age

by Martin Hearson & Margarita Gelepithis
December 2021
Policy Brief

Five Tenets for Consideration When Undertaking Property Tax Reform in Africa

by Astrid R.N. Haas, Justine Knebelmann & Colette Nyirakamana
December 2021

The Routledge Handbook of Smuggling

by Max Gallien & Florian Weigand
December 2021
Research in Brief

Taxing Profits From International Transport In Africa: Past, Present and Future of Article 8 (Alternative B) of the UN Model

by Bob Michel & Tatiana Falcão
December 2021
Journal Article

Tax Compliance in Rwanda: Evidence from a Message Field Experiment

by Giulia Mascagni & Christopher Nell
December 2021
Working Paper

Tax Treaties and Enterprise Outcomes: Evidence Across Developing African Countries

by Uchenna Efobi & Oluwabunmi O. Adejumo
December 2021
Partner Publication

Informal Workers and the State: The Politics of Connection and Disconnection During a Global Pandemic

by Max Gallien & Vanessa van den Boogaard
December 2021
Working Paper

Glimpses of Fiscal States in sub-Saharan Africa

by Mick Moore
November 2021
Working Paper

Taxing Profits from International Maritime Shipping in Africa: Past, Present and Future of UN Model Article 8 (Alternative B)

by Bob Michel & Tatiana Falcão
November 2021