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Showing 253-264 of 602 Publications
Partner Publication

Gender and Tax: Programming and Evidence

by Kelbesa Megersa
February 2021
Working Paper

The VAT in Practice: Equity, Enforcement and Complexity

by Giulia Mascagni, Roel Dom & Fabrizio Santoro
January 2021
Working Paper

Tax Certainty? The Private Rulings Regime in Uganda in Comparative Perspective

by Samuel Kahima, Solomon Rukundo & Victor Phillip Makmot
January 2021
Working Paper

At the Table, Off the Menu? Assessing the Participation of Lower-Income Countries in Global Tax Negotiations

by Rasmus Corlin Christensen, Martin Hearson & Tovony Randriamanalina
December 2020
Research in Brief

At the Table, Off the Menu? Assessing the Participation of Lower-Income Countries in Global Tax Negotiations

by Rasmus Corlin Christensen, Martin Hearson & Tovony Randriamanalina
December 2020
Research in Brief

How Effective has the TADAT Framework Been in Improving Tax Administration in Uganda?

by Doris Akol, Margaret Magumba, Patrick Loke, Milly Isingoma Nalukwago & Tina Kaidu Barugahara
December 2020
African Tax Administration Paper

Tax Amnesties in Africa: An Analysis of the Voluntary Disclosure Programme in Uganda

by Solomon Rukundo
December 2020

The Political Science of Global Tax Governance

by Martin Hearson & Thomas Rixen
December 2020
Research in Brief

Gender and Tax Compliance: Firm Level Evidence from Ethiopia

by Seid Yimam Mohamed & Fissha Asmare Marye
December 2020
Research in Brief

To File or Not To File? Another Dimension of Non-Compliance: The Eswatini Taxpayer Survey

by Fabrizio Santoro, Edward Groening, Winnie Mdluli & Mbongeni Shongwe
December 2020
Research in Brief

What is Wrong with African Tax Administration?

by Mick Moore
December 2020
Research in Brief

A Simplified Method for Taxing Multinationals for Developing Countries: Building on the ‘Amount B’ Proposal to Repair the Transactional Net Margin Method

by Michael Durst
December 2020