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Showing 385-396 of 602 Publications
Partner Publication

Property owners’ knowledge and attitudes towards property taxation in Tanzania

by Merima Ali, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad & Lucas Katera
August 2018
Research in Brief

What Explains the Recent Calls for Reinstatement of a Tax Considered Unpopular? An Analysis of Graduated Tax in Uganda

by David Bakibinga, Jalia Kangave & Dan Ngabirano
July 2018
Journal Article

Profit-Split Method: Time for Countries to Apply a Standardized Approach

by Jeffery M. Kadet, Tommaso Faccio & Sol Picciotto
July 2018
Working Paper

Can ICTs Increase Tax? Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia

by Giulia Mascagni, Andualem T. Mengistu & Firew B. Woldeyes
July 2018

Taxing Africa: Coercion, Reform and Development

by Mick Moore, Wilson Prichard & Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
July 2018
Journal Article

True Values

by Nyah Zebong & Wilson Prichard
July 2018
Policy Brief

Tax Reform for Low Income Countries: Five Ideas for Simplifying Tax Systems to Fit Local Realities

by Wilson Prichard
June 2018
Research in Brief

Norms, Networks, Power, and Control: Understanding Informal Payments and Brokerage in Crossborder Trade in Sierra Leone

by Vanessa van den Boogaard, Wilson Prichard & Samuel Jibao
June 2018
Working Paper

Revenue Sharing in Mining in Africa: Empirical Proxies and Determinants of Government Take

by Olav Lundstøl
June 2018
Policy Brief

What Might an Agenda for Equitable Taxation Look Like?

by Wilson Prichard
June 2018
African Tax Administration Paper

Practical Guidance Note: Training Manual for Implementing Property Tax Reform with a Points-Based Valuation

by Paul Fish
June 2018

Chapter 13: Taxation and Development

by Mick Moore
June 2018