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Showing 397-408 of 602 Publications
Journal Article

Colonial Legacy, State-building and the Salience of Ethnicity in Sub-Saharan Africa

by Merima Ali, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Boqian Jiang & Abdulaziz B. Shifa
June 2018
Research in Brief

Integrating Tax Challenges of Local Market Traders in International Tax Justice Campaigns

by Mª Josep Cascant-Sempere (Kas)
June 2018

Essay: When the Terrain does not fit the Map: Local government Taxation in Africa

by Odd-Helge Fjeldstad
June 2018
Working Paper

Tax Unrest Among Market Traders: The Local Side of ActionAid’s International Tax Justice Campaign in Nigeria

by Mª Josep Cascant-Sempere (Kas)
May 2018
Working Paper

Tax in Development: Towards a Strategic Aid Approach

by Olav Lundstøl
May 2018
Journal Article

Building support for taxation in developing countries: Experimental evidence from Mexico

by Gustavo A. Flores-Macías
May 2018
Policy Brief

Linking Beneficial Ownership Transparency to Improved Tax Revenue Collection in Developing Countries

by Wilson Prichard
May 2018
Working Paper

Regulatory Burdens in Tax Administration and Firms’ Compliance Costs in Africa

by Merima Ali
May 2018
Working Paper

What Explains the Recent Calls for Reinstatement of a Tax Considered Unpopular? An Analysis of Graduated Tax in Uganda

by David Bakibinga, Jalia Kangave & Dan Ngabirano
May 2018
African Tax Administration Paper

What is the Role of Taxpayer Education in Africa?

by Giulia Mascagni & Fabrizio Santoro
April 2018
Journal Article

Tax revenue mobilization in conflict-affected developing countries

by Vanessa van den Boogaard, Wilson Prichard, Nikola Milicic & Matthew Benson
March 2018
Working Paper

Forest Taxation and REDD+: An Analysis of Potential Impacts in Cameroon, Ghana and Sierra Leone

by Stephen Spratt, Philip M. Kargbo, Emmanuel Marfo, Emmanuel Ngungoh & Sabaheta Ramcilovik-Suominen
March 2018